Realm of the Endless Void created and upkept by polliwoggi and sharkberrypizza.
Alliosa: 33
Sanjari: 18
Elphyme: 14
Grimmalkin: 8
Humans: 10
Espers: 0
Imps: 0
Highest Levelled Civ
☆~SHARKiE~☆ (39)
Most Cash on Hand
☆~SHARKiE~☆ (40)
Wealthiest Overall
☆~SHARKiE~☆ (40)
We'd like to extend a hearty "Thank You!" to our valued supporters.
Continued work and development is made possible by you!
TanuKai, Shaddaling, ⅜ of a daddy!
We'd also like to extend a thank you to Natanael Gama, Mark Simonson, and PUNKYOUBRANDS for the wonderful fonts, as well as Twemoji for the star and diamond svgs used on the character profiles.